
Chef Diaper Head


we took a family vacation to Vancouver BC in August. There was a municipal strike on...luckily we found a fabulastic water park instead!

On the ferry ride to granville island. Pay no attention to the man in the crazy glasses.

drinking sparkly water and modeling daddy's new canadian sunglasses at our sweet little bungalow.

just to prove I was there too.

on the way to the aquarium with frances & austin

first bike ride

About an hour after these photos were taken I got a call from George for help. Apparently Molly is not a big fan of the Burly trailer or the bike helmet. George couldn't take the cries from the back anymore and pulled over on the side of the road to wait for rescue. Maybe next summer we'll give it another try.

My advice to other parents considering buying a bike trailer? Borrow one first.


Molly & Addie over the summer.

catching up

Uh, hi. Do you believe me when I say it's been a busy few months? It has, I swear. Especially for one Molly Niamh. So let's not waste time talking about who did or didn't remember to post any blog entries for the past 6 months and get right to business.