
Relaxing with GQ

Originally uploaded by mollysmama
I think I need to start leaving more Bust magazines by the bedside.


Baby Fairy

Sometimes the baby fairy (George) comes at night and sets up scenes of the babies doing funny things for Molly to discover in the morning. Here are a couple of favorites.
1)Baby Emma vacuuming.

2)Sheet Ride.

Reading to Baby

Molly is a natural mama, and loves to nurture her babies. Here she is reading one of my all time favorites to Baby Binky - "The Monster at the End of this Book" by Grover.

boat ride

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. I will say that Molly was having a lot more fun than her face might indicate here.

Mike & Ken

These guys have been practically living at our house while we remodel our basement. The project is nearly done and we are thankful for it, but will miss having them around. Molly will especially miss the donuts Mike brings.



Summer here, summer not

It's September, and with it comes the promise of a renewed energy in blogging. I feel like a 7th grader with my brand new Trapper Keeper.

Summer was great. We went to Montana with our friends, drank lots of Riesling and Lillet. Swam at the pool and fell more in love with our new neighborhood.

(Oh that. Somewhere back in the dark winter months we moved into a new house. We love it.)