Molly is at such a fun age right now. (and SO OLD - 11 months in a few days). Of course every age has been fun along the way, and of course at every new stage we look back and think "she seemed fun before, but this, now this is really fun."
Anyhow, right now Molly is reaching new levels of, well, everything. She's crawling and cruising around the house, exploring and playing back and forth games and chasing and laughing and hiding. For the Campbells, life is one big gas.
She is also working hard on her vocabulary. When I imagined her first words they were obvious. In my mind's eye she would stop in mid-babble and say "mother, more sweet potatoes please". Of course, it's not quite like that. Slowly mamamamamama becomes mama. I wasn't sure whether or not to count it as a word until yesterday morning. George got up with her so I could sleep in (bless him), and I could hear them playing in the kitchen. Molly was chatting away, "dadadadadada". When she is with me it's a steady stream of "mamamamamama" (with an occasional "MAMA!" for emphasis). 11 months old and she knows our names - genius.
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